Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Visit By the Future President

On the 12th of April I was at Allison Transmission in Indianapolis at work and that morning presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was to make a campaign visit to our plant along with her, Senator Evan Bayh, and along with the Chairman of our UAW, Tim Snyder. She talked 25-30 minutes about her campaign and what she's going to do for America, but that particular day it was definitely about the economy of the US and Allison's contracts with the government in regards to tank transmissions. Talked of keeping jobs in America, and jobs back into America, the rules that need to be changed in NAFTA to protect the American worker. Another big topic she talked about was dealing with China, in particular their military, which led her to talk about building our military back up. She said there's products that the US military buys from China that need to be manufactured in the US. There were roughly 300 people that listened to her speech, with several stops for standing ovations. After her speech, she went around the ropes and shook hands, signed autographs, several people took pictures of her, and in my opinion, it was well received by most people in the audience.